The Vagenda

God Awful Grazia Media Enquiry

A friend just passed this on to me:

Media Outlet: Grazia (Personal case study) 
Freelance journalist: (Name omitted)
Media Type: National newspaper / Current affairs 
Deadline: 30 March 2012 at 09:00 

I’m writing a piece about how women are working harder than ever. I’d love to speak to a women who either:

Takes anti-depressants to cope with my job
Had a baby so I could go on maternity leave/ have a year off work
Has no idea how much my partner earns
Lies about my salary to my friends (so they don’t feel fed up/ jealous)

2 thoughts on “God Awful Grazia Media Enquiry

  1. Ooh never thought of that…now I can get off the anti-depressants I take to cope with my job by having five babies to get time off work, and reduce my salary so I don’t have to lie about it to my friends anymore! Hmmm…now if only I had the courage to ask my partner how much he earns.

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